Organization: Secretariat of the Pacific Community, World Meteorological Organization
Registration deadline: 11 Oct 2015
Starting date: 12 Oct 2015
Ending date: 16 Oct 2015
The forum will bring together experts in the region on climate prediction, the Met and the Water Community as well as partners to discuss information and application of the 3-month climate outlook.
Venue: Laucala Campus, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands Date: 12-16 October 2015
Your are kindly requested to save these dates in your calendar or inform the appropriate staff of this event. The forum is funded by the World Meteorological Organisation with contributions from other institutions and partners.
The invitation letters, Concept Note and Agenda for the Forum will be circulated (at a later date) once they are finalised by the Pacific Island Climate Services (PICS) Panel (advisory arm of the Pacific Met. Council on Climate Services matters) and the relevant partners.
How to register:
You can contact the Pacific Met Desk ( for more information or clarification